Inside GeniusU

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Microdegrees & Certifications from Top Mentors

Accelerate your learning with tools from top Mentors on GeniusU, and personalized recommendations on what the best next step is for you. Level up and get certified as a consultant or trainer in a niche field with guidance at every step.

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Your Personal Profile and Dashboard

Your profile is how the world sees you - with your passions, purpose and genius on display you'll find the right people to connect with, in the right place, at the right time.

Your Dashboard lets you track your learning progress, your earnings and your connections daily, so you can make sure you're on track to where you want to go.

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A Genie in your Pocket

GeniusU gives you superpowers in the form of a digital layer that shows you all of the right people you should get connected to in any city you go to, what knowledge you need, the best opportunities for you, exactly which events that you should be going to which are personalised for you and delivers it to you literally with a Genie in your pocket.

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GeniusU live Events with the Community

Choose to attend LIVE events with your favourite Mentors and Entrepreneur Social Leaders and meet your community face-to-face.

Upcoming Events

A Global Community Of purpose driven Entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurs Learning & Earning on GeniusU

With over 4.3 million members and growing by 1,000 a day, GeniusU is the largest online platform for entrepreneurs.


Giving Impacts made to date

Today, it is the entrepreneurs of the world who have the greatest power to trigger change. In partnership with Buy1Give1 GeniusU members can make giving impacts on GeniusU to support causes aligned with their purpose.


Cities with Members & Events on GeniusU

The Entrepreneur Movement is global and thriving - with members from over 250 cities around the World, and City Leaders with events in 100 countries GeniusU bridges the online with offline events, to get you connected to the community near you.


Entrepreneurs Learning & Earning on GeniusU

With over 4.3 million members and growing by 1,000 a day, GeniusU is the largest online platform for entrepreneurs.


Giving Impacts made to date

Today, it is the entrepreneurs of the world who have the greatest power to trigger change. In partnership with Buy1Give1 GeniusU members can make giving impacts on GeniusU to support causes aligned with their purpose.


Cities with Members & Events on GeniusU

The Entrepreneur Movement is global and thriving - with members from over 250 cities around the World, and City Leaders with events in 100 countries GeniusU bridges the online with offline events, to get you connected to the community near you.

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